
Showing posts from January, 2016

Maximizing your Digital "R"s

Digital marketing is something of a balancing act.  On one hand, you've got your revenue goals given and on the other a finite amount to allocate towards a plethora of platforms and campaign messages to drive profitable investment.  Here are 5 tactics I've deployed to align marketing budget with high level objectives while keeping Finance appeased. 1. Metrics: Close the loop. Easily the biggest hurdle in tying back spend to revenue is the ability, or lack thereof, to track and assign proper attribution to your marketing efforts.  Make sure you have the infrastructure in place to accurately track ad serves, impressions, engagements, clicks, visits and so on all the way through to conversion.  Whichever analytics platform you are using, test it thoroughly to ensure the numbers you report are complete and accurate. Cost-effective Site Metrics and Tools: Google Analytics w/Adometry 2. Timing: Know thy Season. Whether you're in B2B or B2C ... or B2B2C... understand what

Digital Content Marketing Forum

Measuring the Effectiveness of Your Content Campaigns  Enjoy this one-hour webinar debate on creating a measurable and successful content strategy. With the amount of content being produced and shared every day, the ability to it measure the effectiveness quickly and accurately is vital . We touch on this and related topics in this discussion. Thanks in advance for watching and sending a big shout out to my fellow panelists! ** Jeff Pundyk, VP Global Content, The Economist ** Ana Villegas, Marketing Director, Dell ** Reinhardt Schuhmann, Product Manager, Tracx Sponsored by the  Incite-Group